Russian State Duma adopts law banning sex change by iFamNews Russia July 18, 2023 0 639 "This is a matter of national security for the country," Duma deputy speaker Pyotr Tolstoy said on his telegram channel.
Russia: Debate over banning abortions at for-profit clinics gains new momentum by iFamNews Russia July 17, 2023 0 623 In connection with repeated statements about the necessary turn of Russian society and politics towards supporting demography and traditional values, ...
Russian pro-family news in January 2023 by Olga Kukhtenkova February 3, 2023 0 1.1k On January 24, the Russian President signed a decree amending the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy.
Russian State Duma passes law banning LGBT propaganda by Eugene Rosenblum November 26, 2022 0 421 This law contains a response to new threats to Russian society.
Parents sound the alarm about transgender propaganda among Russian children by Olga Kukhtenkova September 21, 2022 0 775 "There is no concept of transgenderism in medicine. Behind what's happening now are special foundations and communities that give huge ...
Russia stands against LGBT ideology by Olga Kukhtenkova August 1, 2022 0 230 The bill would also prohibit the "denial of family values and non-traditional sexual relationships".
Russia takes the first step towards banning surrogacy by iFamNews Russia May 31, 2022 0 486 New bill would limit surrogacy to married couples or single Russian women unable to carry a baby due to medical ...