ECHR wants to impose approval of LGBT doctrine and privileges across the EU by Luca Volontè March 4, 2023 0 1.6k An unacceptable abuse of power and violence against a Christian state and people guilty of not wanting to conform to ...
Spain: Complaint against two officials over “chemsex” app by iFamNews Spain January 8, 2023 0 1.5k Encouraging minors to use drugs by a public administration may constitute a crime and may lead to the disqualification of ...
Barcelona: Drag workshop for kids as young as 6 by iFamNews Spain December 4, 2022 0 2.3k The workshop wanted to induce children to "ask ourselves what body we would like to build for ourselves."
Disney’s “Strange World” pulled from Serbian theater by iFamNews Serbia December 2, 2022 0 1.4k In the animated film, a 16-year-old boy openly declares himself gay. Parents requested that the theater review the content of ...
Strange World: Disney continues to tout LGBT agenda even though it fails at the box office by Cato November 25, 2022 0 1.2k It seems that the studio executives at Disney are more committed to trying to foist the LGBT agenda on our ...
Pedophilia, Spanish equality minister and the battle for education by Pedro Mejias September 28, 2022 0 1.5k Irene Montero, Spanish equality minister, revealed the real purposes of this "affective-sex education": intergenerational sex, a euphemism for pedophilia.
Destroy traditional sexual mores and you destroy society by Cato August 22, 2022 0 3.3k We can see the carnage all around us. Millions of children killed in the womb. Millions of women feeling resentful ...
Disney continues its quest to groom children by Cato May 20, 2022 0 882 The woke Disney Corporation is continuing its quest to groom our children in the radical LGBT agenda by launching its ...
James Lindsay: the sexualization of our children is a Marxist strategy to destabilize society by Cato April 28, 2022 0 2.8k Author and commentator James Lindsay says in public what radical LGBT activists do not want you to know: that they ...
Let’s be clear: the Left wants to groom your children by Cato April 24, 2022 0 683 Lenin said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” ...