American College of Pediatricians: Gender transition of young people is a dangerous experiment by iFamNews Serbia October 24, 2023 0 517 American College of Pediatricians: The suppression of normal puberty, the use of disease-causing cross-sex hormones and the surgical mutilation and ...
Victory for the pro-family movement: Honduran President vetoes law introducing gender ideology into schools by IFN English September 2, 2023 0 674 President Castro recognized the political pressure exerted by the massive crowds and decided to stand with parents, even though this ...
Abortion and maternal mortality (Part 2) by Olga Kukhtenkova July 21, 2023 0 288 Truly, the abortion industry is destroying women.
Russia: State Prize awarded to doctor experimenting on fetal tissues by Olga Kukhtenkova June 25, 2023 0 300 It is puzzling that researchers conducting work based on procedures that kill children and mutilate women receive support and encouragement ...
Italian parents rise against new gender ideology course in schools by iFamNews Italia March 11, 2023 0 542 Overcoming sexual binarism and Career Aliases are some of the themes within the ideological wave that wants to impose the ...
What sex change surgery really is: a detransitioner’s disturbing testimony by Marija Stajić August 11, 2022 0 74.2k "No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, it can’t be removed–meaning you’re left with ...
Serbian NGOs on possible overturning of Roe: We will keep helping children, women and families by iFamNews Serbia May 11, 2022 0 582 It is our deeply held belief that women's and human rights are not in conflict with the human rights of ...