Rome March for Life: People defending true rights take to the streets by Luca Marcolivio May 27, 2022 0 355 The vice president of Pro Life & Family explains the spirit of the event: maximum inclusiveness but extreme firmness in ...
Why pro-abortion arguments never will be valid by Cato May 14, 2022 0 658 In article entitled “The end of Roe v. Wade hurts you, too, even if you don’t plan to march,” published ...
Why the Supreme Court’s decision may provoke an unprecedented conflict in the US? (Very personal analysis) by Marcial Cuquerella May 7, 2022 0 466 In 1850, a black was not considered a human person subject to rights. The key to Justice Alito's opinion is ...
Children with Down syndrome, more protections in the U.S. by Luca Marcolivio April 29, 2022 0 267 New guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics: finally, suggesting abortion to parents of DS babies will not be something ...
Is abortion OK? Polish abortion activist faces trial by Katarzyna Zych April 22, 2022 0 624 iFamNews Poland speaks with attorney Jakub Słoniowski of the Ordo Iuris Institute.
Two main political parties in Malta are pro-life by iFamNews Italia April 20, 2022 0 680 The island's two major parties come out against abortion and euthanasia.
Abortions at an all-time low in Germany by iFamNews Italia April 15, 2022 0 196 It's a 5.4% drop from the previous year, however Scholz's government wants to remove the ban on advertising abortion.
Peru is pro-life by iFamNews Italia April 12, 2022 0 1k Lima March for Life gathered thousands of people.
March for Life 2022 in the U.S. as told by a college student by Chiara Mosher April 6, 2022 0 279 As long as a child's life is sacrificed for abortion, my fellow students and I will continue to stand up ...
The “liberal” Canada that oppresses freedom by Barbara Santambrogio April 3, 2022 0 291 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hits pro-life charities with an insidious financial move.