Inclusion begins at conception by Kristina Artukovic October 14, 2021 0 250 Lethal discrimination is taking place in medical institutions, world-wide. And the trend is leading towards an extermination of people with ...
UK Christians rise against LGBT indoctrination, Live Action uncovers more rot being fed to children, and a pro-life author provides an antidote in her new book by Luca Volontè September 10, 2021 0 1.9k Thumbs up – spotlight on the good things happening in the world.
Monumental: Texas law banning abortion past 6 weeks stands by Damian Goddard September 2, 2021 0 1.1k This isn't simply a "landmark decision". SB 8 could mark a pivotal step in the dismantling of Roe V. Wade.
Thumbs up–spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè June 18, 2021 0 471 Stonewall founder denounces intolerance of LGBT activists , BLM speaks out against race-motivated abortion, and the EALF reaffirms family as ...
Planned Parenthood backtracks on its founder by Nicole King April 27, 2021 0 1.4k This is an interesting and likely meaningless piece of virtue-signaling for Planned Parenthood.
Roe v. Wade: A film about a court decision that has taken more than 60 million lives by Marija Stajić March 30, 2021 0 1.3k Roe v. Wade is an “untold story of how people lied, how the media lied, and how the courts were ...
Voices crying out in the wilderness: urgent warnings about Planned Parenthood, transgenderism, and kids by Joseph Grabowski February 12, 2021 0 1.5k "The culture is like a powerful riptide pulling our kids out to sea, and many of them are drowning."
One Planet, One Child: A New Horrible Campaign Against Family, Children and Love by Marija Stajić September 28, 2020 0 4k Childfree? As in free of diapers, baby food, sleepless nights, child diseases, bruised knees, muddy hands, stained furniture – but ...
How to Kill More Children? Get Permission to Kill Newborns, Too! by Olga Kukhtenkova September 22, 2020 0 4.4k Employees of abortion organizations carefully hide information from women about what an abortion really is and how a child looks ...
Why All Defenders of Human Dignity, Human Rights and Human Life Should Support the Re-Election of Donald Trump by Luca Volontè July 16, 2020 0 708 On Monday, July 13, the Trump administration's Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule which clarifies that the ...