U.S. House Democrats claim catholic faith supports abortion, contradicting church teachings by IFN English August 26, 2023 0 395 Catholic Church teachings are clear that abortion is considered evil, as it destroys human life.
Demagogue Nancy Pelosi furious: Born-Alive Act pushed through by Republicans by iFamNews Germany January 21, 2023 0 579 Babies who survive abortion must receive medical care: Pelosi sees this as an attack on liberty.
What is it about Democrats and drag queens? by Cato June 16, 2022 0 1.2k Ever since transgenderism became all the rage with our country’s radical elites, the Left has been using drag queens to ...
Archbishop Cordileone bars House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Communion by Cato May 20, 2022 0 799 “Devoutly Catholic” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was repeatedly told by her bishop the position of the Catholic Church on abortion ...
Professor Kreeft and “Catholic” politicians by Cato February 15, 2022 0 544 While the Battle of Lepanto was a defense of Christendom, Peter Kreeft says today's culture war is "a greater battle" ...
Pelosi’s hypocrisy on athlete protests reflects an allegiance to China, and not America by Cato February 8, 2022 0 506 The Speaker of the House is fully on board with American athletes showing their disdain for the Stars and Stripes ...
Rules for thee, not for me by Frank Schubert January 31, 2022 0 1.3k Politicians and elites continue to flaunt the public health mandates they have imposed on everyone else.
BREAKING: U.S. House of Representatives to vote on imposing abortion as a federal right by Frank Schubert September 23, 2021 0 967 Intent on eliminating all state restrictions on abortion, HR 3755 is the most radical abortion bill ever considered by the ...
Democrats look to rig US elections, including how congressional districts are drawn by Frank Schubert September 21, 2021 0 422 Nancy Pelosi's "For The People Act," will force the use of "independent" redistricting commissions to draw congressional district lines, but ...
An Emerging Saga: Catholic Bishops Consider Cracking Down On Politicians Who Flaunt Church Teaching On Sanctity Of Life As Progressives Organize Fierce Opposition – Part 2 by Frank Schubert June 2, 2021 0 413 Catholics around the world, especially in the United States, are on tenterhooks as the USCCB prepares to debate the issue ...