Thumbs up–spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè July 30, 2021 0 981 Pro footballers Cuadrado and Mancini proclaim the importance of faith, Hungarian justice minister affirms opposition to EU's attempt to introduce ...
Thumbs up – spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè June 30, 2021 0 585 New documentary exposes the industry behind gender transition for minors, Scottish law student found not guilty for stating biological facts ...
France, euthanasia and counter-civilization by Marco Respinti April 7, 2021 0 580 French author Michel Houellebecq says that "a civilization that legalizes euthanasia loses the right to any respect"
Bishop John Strickland–bringing Light and Leaven to the world by Cato April 7, 2021 0 324 In the battle against the forces opposing God and His Creation, we must hold fast to being a light shining ...
Husband, wife, or ‘partner’? How words can shape ideas about marriage by Joseph Grabowski December 10, 2020 0 1.1k "A word has no loyalty; it can be betrayed into any service or twisted to any treason."
Not “I” but “We”: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ parting witness to the power of marriage and family by E. Douglas Clark December 8, 2020 0 1.5k With the recent passing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Judaism has lost one of its leading lights and the world has ...
The Atlantic Wonders, “What If Friendship, Not Marriage, Was at the Center of Life?” by Joseph Grabowski October 23, 2020 0 1.4k The real question is, "What if it already is—and what if that's precisely the problem?"
U.S. Supreme Court Justices Signal Willingness to Reverse Ruling Imposing Gay ‘Marriage’ by Frank Schubert October 8, 2020 0 709 Gay advocates say same-sex 'marriage' "is doomed" if Amy Coney Barrett s confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
New Video Makes It Clear Why Amy Coney Barrett Must Be Confirmed by Frank Schubert September 30, 2020 0 1.1k A powerful new video from the National Organization for Marriage highlights what's at stake in the confirmation battle facing Judge ...
The Future of Marriage is the Future of Society by E. Douglas Clark September 22, 2020 0 593 Recovering the meaning and beauty of "the 'M' word."