The Guardian refuses to print IOF response to attacks by radical LGBT activist Judith Butler by Cato November 15, 2021 0 4.2k One of the main tenets of journalism is objectivity. Clearly, The Guardian not only lacks integrity but is proud to ...
Texas law cuts abortion numbers in half, Hungary to invest close to $10 billion euros in the family, and Putin warns the old Soviet ‘Kulturträgers’ still lurk among us by Luca Volontè November 12, 2021 0 386 Spotlight on the good things happening in the world.
[WARNING: GRAPHIC] — The Left’s latest lunatic argument: banning porn for kids makes you a Nazi by Joseph Grabowski November 11, 2021 0 3.3k A "graphic novel" in South Carolina schools contained illustrations of oral sex and masturbation; the Left doesn't see the problem.
Stealing from a child on World Children’s Day by E. Douglas Clark November 11, 2021 0 2k We urge that this World Children’s Day be a time of resolution and recommitment to stop stealing from children and ...
Virginia elections: parent power topples radical CRT and LGBT agendas by Cato November 4, 2021 0 863 If opposition to CRT and the radical LGBT agenda can help flip a reliably blue state like Virginia, Democrats in ...
Vladimir Putin: progressives in the West should learn from Soviet failures by Cato November 3, 2021 0 1.1k Russia's President provides a history lesson on Communism and offers a chilling warning for America and western democracies: neo-Marxist ideologues ...
Judith Butler: short on reasoning, long on mudslinging by Cato October 28, 2021 0 1.3k Butler's latest diatribe is, simply put, a ball of confusion. But the radical LGBT author proves, once again and with ...
“Homophobia”: a new crime in the EU by Marco Respinti October 24, 2021 0 912 The EU has launched the continental version of Italy’s anti-hate speech bill known as the "Zan bill", implementing its "technocracy ...
Forget about American foreign policy failures; just focus on using the correct pronouns by Cato October 21, 2021 0 281 What is Biden's State Department doing? Peddling pronoun insanity while the country crumbles.
Kenya bans LGBT+ film, President upholds Brazil’s Christian identity at the UN, and Heidi Crowter continues to fight for Down Syndrome babies in the UK by Luca Volontè October 5, 2021 0 578 Spotlight on the good things happening in the world.