Keira Bell–redeeming our time by Marco Respinti July 25, 2021 0 2.3k The girl who wanted to be a boy and then regretted it is now suing the clinic. She became an ...
Tip of the Iceberg: another blatant EU attack on Christians by Cato July 21, 2021 0 1.5k LGBT activist Neil Datta's report on sexuality and reproductive health is really one on how to push the LGBT and ...
Hungarian MEP explains new law and why it is under attack by Federico Cenci July 20, 2021 0 2.4k MEP Balázs Hidvéghi: "Parents should be responsible for their children's sex education".
Viktor Orbán against the colonialist Mark Rutte by Marco Respinti July 13, 2021 0 1.5k Is the Hungarian child protection law "homophobic"? Then should it not also be "heterophobic" at the same time?
The beauty of freedom by Marco Respinti July 1, 2021 0 509 Pastry chef Jack Phillips is back. And as always, he's right as rain even if a judge says he's wrong.
Trans athletes: who wants to silence women’s protest? by Federico Cenci June 28, 2021 0 792 Biological male athlete Laurel (née Gavin) Hubbard gets a pass to the Olympics. And it marks a huge fail for ...
Thumbs up–spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè June 18, 2021 0 472 Stonewall founder denounces intolerance of LGBT activists , BLM speaks out against race-motivated abortion, and the EALF reaffirms family as ...
Federation Council reacts against anti-family propaganda in Russia by Eugene Rosenblum June 15, 2021 0 418 Numerous foreign-funded NGOs promote feminist ideas and aim to reach the youth in Russia. In other words, they are undermining ...
Thumbs up on the family front – spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè June 11, 2021 0 144 New York parents protest against LGBT+ indoctrination, Olympic champion proves that motherhood empowers women, and Argentina's abortion law is under ...
Editor of iFamNews Italy declares he is a feminist by Marco Respinti June 10, 2021 0 260 On the topic of gender confusion, this male will willingly go along with feminists; the last ones to defend us ...