Silvano Aureoles at WCF: Strengthening the family in the face of violence and insecurity by IFN English October 6, 2022 0 209 The Michoacan politician considered the World Congress of Families 2022 very opportune given the disintegration of the family in the ...
WCF: Pope Francis implores to defend the most fragile and weakest in Mexico by IFN English October 6, 2022 0 204 "With these sentiments Pope Francis vows that these days of reflection will be a call to assist families with attention ...
Video summary of the third day of activities at the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 5, 2022 0 259 The third and final day of the XIV World Congress of Families was held with extraordinary success in Mexico. Long ...
Video summary of the second day of the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 4, 2022 0 336 Video summary of the second day of the World Congress of Families of Mexico 2022.
Video summary of the first day of the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 4, 2022 0 198 Relive and feel the first day of the World Congress of Families held in Mexico.
Letter by Pope Francis read at XIV World Congress of Families by IFN English October 3, 2022 0 369 The Holy Father's message on the occasion of the opening of the WCF in Mexico City, read during the plenary ...
XIV WCF, iFamNews and commitment to life and family by IFN English October 3, 2022 0 309 What is iFamNews doing in Mexico City, and not only there? One panel discussion was dedicated to this.
XIV WCF, updates from Mexico City by IFN English October 2, 2022 0 301 Meetings, conferences, high-level panels and great interest, iFamNews is always at the forefront
Ciudad de Mexico, family capital of the world by Marco Respinti September 30, 2022 0 525 The XIV World Congress of Families opens today. iFamNews needs your support and wishes you to rejoice.
XIV WCF in Mexico City: backstage by IFN English September 30, 2022 0 258 A peek into backstage preparations for the big event celebrating the beauty of life and family.