Critics challenge Google’s AI chatbot Gemini for creating historically inaccurate images by IFN English February 23, 2024 0 347 Google's new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot named Gemini is being criticised for creating socially progressive but historically inaccurate images in ...
Google removes controversial pride event following Christian employee petition by IFN English July 5, 2023 0 694 In response to a petition signed by hundreds of Christian employees and others, Google recently removed a "Pride and Drag ...
Google chatbot promotes transgender ideology by Luca Volontè April 18, 2023 0 563 Not surprisingly, Google's chatbot denies any political orientation, but at the same time, promotes trans drugs, Joe Biden and veganism.
Abortion By App by Frank Schubert October 18, 2021 0 1.3k A new app from Planned Parenthood Direct promises women access to "emergency contraception" birth control. But in actuality, it's an ...
Big Tech Is Crushing Dissent; It’s Time To Break Them Up by Frank Schubert January 12, 2021 0 1.2k The fallout continues from the tragic events at the pro-Trump rally last week in Washington, DC where some supporters of ...