Silencing Opposition: PC Culture Shuts Down the Transgender Discussion by Nicole King August 26, 2020 0 1.1k So great has America’s mass hysteria over such victim group status become, that instead of healthy debate over whether or ...
Doubleplus Unscientific: American Cancer Society Adopts Newspeak by Joseph Grabowski August 6, 2020 0 579 A friend sent me a link to a Tweet recently from CNN in a text message. Noting the source, I ...
Russian Foreign Ministry Protests Foreign Diplomats’ Taking Part in ‘LGBT’ Propaganda by Eugene Rosenblum July 30, 2020 0 592 This was prompted by several nations displaying rainbow flags on the buildings of their embassies.
Poland is Considering Denunciation of the Feminist Istanbul Convention by Pavel Parfentiev July 22, 2020 0 610 One can only welcome Poland’s intention to abandon such a document, the purpose of which is not to protect real ...