Greek government pushes for same-sex marriage legalization amid opposition from the Orthodox Church by IFN English January 25, 2024 0 86 The Greek government is accelerating its schedule to legalize same-sex marriage, despite mounting resistance from the influential Orthodox Church.
CBS News promotes gay surrogacy in new video by IFN English July 8, 2023 0 782 CBS News is facing criticism for publishing a video that celebrates two homosexual men meeting their adopted daughter for the ...
With 12 turncoat Republican votes, the U.S. Senate passes the pro-LGBT “(Dis)respect for Marriage Act” by Cato November 30, 2022 0 1.9k Should the bill become law (which it almost certainly will), every state in the union would have to recognize any ...
Huge Election Victory Over RINO Republican by Frank Schubert August 12, 2022 0 871 The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) sent a powerful message to Republican Senators that they will pay a price if ...
The mathematics of marriage at risk in the U.S. by Marco Respinti July 23, 2022 0 215 After House approval, an attempt to armor into parliamentary law the 2015 Obergefell vs. Hodges decision is at the mercy ...
Reflections on Dobbs and What Might Be Next by Frank Schubert July 1, 2022 0 370 Overturning Roe v Wade has profound implications for more than abortion.
Another leftist victory in Latin America as Constitutional Court forces abortion on Colombia by Cato February 28, 2022 0 299 In yet another example of judiciaries hopped up on leftism, Colombia joins the ranks of recent Latin American countries to ...
Abortion and gay “marriage”: losses in Europe also a prelude to victory by Marco Respinti September 28, 2021 0 1.5k A heavy majority imposes abortion in San Marino and LGBT+ “marriage” in Switzerland. Yet, all is not lost. The day ...
Kamala Harris, Cheater and Schemer, A Heartbeat Away by Frank Schubert August 14, 2020 0 878 Kamala Harris cheated and schemed to support gay 'marriage' and abortion. Now she could be a heartbeat away from the ...
NFL Star Rejects Abortion, Gay ‘Marriage’ by Frank Schubert March 11, 2020 0 3.8k Liberals have smeared the star by calling him an "Uncle Tom" in response to his comments.