Controversial troupe “Drag Syndrome” sparks outrage for featuring individuals with Down syndrome in sexualized performances by IFN English June 30, 2023 0 379 There are also questions about the financial aspect of Drag Syndrome, with some suggesting that it may not be a ...
First plus-size and “transgender” models at Victoria’s Secret by iFamNews Germany March 25, 2023 0 1.7k But there is also a model with Down syndrome.
Bad news on the life front by iFamNews Italia January 24, 2023 0 1.1k By now, everywhere in the world the alarm has been raised resulting from the demographic winter, people are no longer ...
Children with Down syndrome, more protections in the U.S. by Luca Marcolivio April 29, 2022 0 267 New guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics: finally, suggesting abortion to parents of DS babies will not be something ...
Kenya bans LGBT+ film, President upholds Brazil’s Christian identity at the UN, and Heidi Crowter continues to fight for Down Syndrome babies in the UK by Luca Volontè October 5, 2021 0 578 Spotlight on the good things happening in the world.
Germany: prenatal testing for Down Syndrome to be covered by health insurance by Johann R. Porter August 26, 2021 0 828 The plan goes into effect in 2022. But bioethicists, pro-lifers, and church leaders fear that it will lead to an ...
Thumbs up – spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè July 9, 2021 0 478 A failed attempt to legalize abortion until birth in the UK, South Dakota bans abortion of Down Syndrome babies, and ...
Record-high abortion numbers in England and Wales by Angelo Bottone July 7, 2021 0 1.4k The British government issues a report on abortion numbers. And it is catastrophic.
Abort the child with Down’s Syndrome, says the animal Richard Dawkins by Marco Respinti June 2, 2021 0 389 Man is just an animal, evolutionists claim. What do animal rights activists think? And the honorable Zan who proposed the ...
Feminists versus transgenderism by Luca Volontè April 8, 2021 0 363 Spotlight on the good things happening in the world