After Dobbs, time to step up to support pregnant women and their children by Cato June 25, 2022 0 332 Even though we should be celebrating the overthrow of abortion as a constitutional right, we must now recognize that we ...
BREAKING: Supreme Court overturns Roe by Joseph Grabowski June 24, 2022 0 6.2k In a landmark ruling, the Court has changed the entire landscape for the pro-family, pro-life movement in America and indeed ...
New European Parliament resolution on abortion dares to interpret US Constitution to SCOTUS by iFamNews Serbia June 14, 2022 0 618 In several instances in this resolution, the European Parliament had the audacity to tell the US Supreme Court what constitutes ...
“Time to heed the Constitution”: Justice Alito honors his oath by E. Douglas Clark May 12, 2022 0 428 To appreciate what Justice Samuel Alito did in his draft opinion in Dobbs, you have to go back to February 1, 2006, ...
If only Mother Teresa were here to see Roe overruled by E. Douglas Clark May 5, 2022 0 637 If the final decision in Dobbs does overrule Roe, it will be the victory long sought by the many brave ...
Roe To Go!?? by Frank Schubert May 3, 2022 0 1.2k Shocking leak of draft opinion designed to rally the Democrat mob to pressure a justice to switch sides
What the Texas Heartbeat ruling reveals, and doesn’t by Frank Schubert December 12, 2021 0 558 The Texas Heartbeat ruling reveals the extent to which politics has infected US Supreme Court abortion jurisprudence.
Still pleading with America: Mother Teresa’s call to protect the unborn by E. Douglas Clark December 7, 2021 0 517 America's Declaration of Independence and Constitution make it abundantly clear that our rights already exist, and that it is the ...
It’s All Or Nothing For Roe and Casey by Frank Schubert December 1, 2021 0 1.6k Reading the tea leaves of the Supreme Court oral argument in the Mississippi abortion case is difficult, but suggests that ...
Leftists, lobsters and lobotomies by Joseph Grabowski November 30, 2021 0 900 A new study leading to some significant regulatory changes in the United Kingdom made headlines last week, as it was ...