When will our leaders come clean and finally admit that preferences based on race, ethnicity, and sex are a national scourge? by Cato May 25, 2023 0 87 It is a subject that no one, not even conservative Republicans, wants to talk about. Indeed, almost all people on ...
In San Francisco, people who identify with their biological sex (i.e., the overwhelming majority of people) are not eligible for government support by Cato November 28, 2022 0 616 Since the 1960’s, San Francisco has been at the forefront of left-wing causes in the United States. And the city’s ...
Disney has no qualms violating the Civil Rights Act to promote wokeness by Cato June 29, 2022 0 536 We all know that Disney is one of the most radical organizations in the world. It has strongly opposed a ...
Today’s racial quotas? Senator Humphrey would’ve eaten his hat by Cato January 20, 2022 0 899 Recognized as a major leader of modern liberalism in America, the lead author of the '64 Civil Rights Act famously ...
Individual character and competence–the only standard of judgment by Cato December 6, 2021 0 502 Spin doctor leftists will use individual actions to suit their own twisted narratives. But the bottom line is this: judgment ...
Unapologetic racism: time for the silent majority to speak up by Cato November 16, 2021 0 530 Having jettisoned competence and character, hiring protocols being touted by the Left aren't about "diversity" and "inclusion". It's a system ...
Reverse racism really doesn’t pay by Cato November 2, 2021 0 333 Fired for being a white male, former Novant Health Senior VP David Duvall has been awarded $10 million in damages. ...
The SEC and NASDAQ bow down before the woke gods by Cato August 21, 2021 0 1.4k In clear violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Wall St. has aligned itself with identity politics. It is an ...