Archbishop Cordileone bars House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Communion by Cato May 20, 2022 0 798 “Devoutly Catholic” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was repeatedly told by her bishop the position of the Catholic Church on abortion ...
Mexican bishop boldly prohibits pro-abortion politicians from receiving Communion or becoming Godparents by Cato April 10, 2022 0 196 In the Catholic faith, the Eucharist or Holy Communion is the “’the source and summit of the Christian life.’” (Catechism ...
Cardinal George Pell stands against pro-gay bishops by IFN English March 16, 2022 0 794 Cardinal Pell, in a statement from his office released on Tuesday, condemned the stances of Jesuit Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, president ...
“Political messianism” behind the persecution of Christians in Nicaragua by iFamNews Italia February 22, 2022 0 436 Not only does the Daniel Ortega government see itself as “the national savior (and) liberator" of Nicaragua, it also labels ...
Professor Kreeft and “Catholic” politicians by Cato February 15, 2022 0 541 While the Battle of Lepanto was a defense of Christendom, Peter Kreeft says today's culture war is "a greater battle" ...
DePaul University: an allegedly Catholic institution flagrantly flouting Church teaching by Cato January 19, 2022 0 597 Good thing for DePaul, as it operates under the watchful eye of Cardinal Blaise Cupich. Bad thing for the Catholic ...
Catholic Church and mayor oppose proposed radical transgender policy of the University of North Dakota by Cato January 18, 2022 0 210 When you think of North Dakota, you picture blue skies, open plains, and buffaloes. You also think of traditional values ...
Speaking truth to power: one courageous bishop’s stand against transgender ideology by Cato September 13, 2021 0 869 Bishop Burbidge urges the faithful to not give in to the false compassion of transgender activists, but to be the ...
German court convicts Polish author and German publisher of paper exposing crimes of homosexual lobby in the Church by Cato July 29, 2021 0 2.9k Not only does it show that the courts are valuing abusers over victims, it shows the courts are in cahoots ...
Tip of the Iceberg: another blatant EU attack on Christians by Cato July 21, 2021 0 1.5k LGBT activist Neil Datta's report on sexuality and reproductive health is really one on how to push the LGBT and ...