Last updated on April 28th, 2022 at 12:34 pm
What do the “woke culture,” anti-natalism, and the ideology of global warming have in common? Man’s hatred of himself. As reported by MercatorNet In Portland, Oregon, an association with an explicit and sharp name, “Stop Having Kids” is carrying out a very peculiar campaign, which goes far beyond the mere “demographic control” of neo-Malthusian imprint.
The association’s logo turns the “O” in “Stop” into a prohibition sign with a baby in the middle. Among the signs shown, some slogans stand out, such as: “Many human beings don’t wish they had been born”; “The world doesn’t need you to continue your bloodline, genetics or family name”; “The world is too far behind to keep procreating”; “Having children goes far beyond a personal choice”; “Let’s stop dumping our problems onto future generations.”
Among the arguments that “Stop Having Kids” claims is the presumption that children who are born never ask to come into the world and tomorrow they may wish they had never been born. (Along those lines, we may also ask: couldn’t the aborted child have potentially wished to be born and live?) And a commonplace corollary is that people who bring children into the world are fundamentally selfish and do not give adequate consideration to the interests of their potential children.
Who are the real selfish people?
Yet, writes MercatorNet in an article commenting on the news, even the “birds” and the “bees” procreate. And so is it perhaps nature itself that is selfish? Or maybe it’s selfish to give up on having children? It is well known that, throughout the West, the demographic collapse is not so much due to economic crises or the nightmare of not being able to maintain offspring, but rather to the desire to preserve a “comfortable” lifestyle (and not at all a simple matter of wealth), relieved of the worries that a child entails.

“Stop Having Kids” is also inspired by the latest ideological fashion, the so-called woke sentiment that makes the deadly hatred against “white people” its raison d’être, without serving the interests of “blacks” or other ethnic groups at all. The “whites” are in fact considered responsible for the worst oppression and cruelty in history, but the woke movement is known to be supported by “white” activists, which even constitute the majority. No wonder, then, if even these “whites” terribly beleaguered by the “sense of guilt” sublimate their ideology in the aspiration to birth no children.
Closely related to this way of thinking is the environmentalist ideology, especially in the declination that is most popular today: that of “global warming” or “climate change”. These environmentalist ask whether it is worth it to live on a warmer planet? Absolutely not, and then we might as well thin out this blessed population. If man is the “cancer of the planet,” so be it.
Pure nihilism
It would be a mistake, however, to understand the woke ideology as a wild and spontaneous metropolitan subculture. Men who go around tearing down the monuments erected to Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln are the barricading arm of a “wokeism” by now deeply rooted in the academic world, in the press, in television, in cinema.

“Stop Having Kids” lists a number of “bad” family goals of “mainstream culture”: “To give purpose and meaning to one’s life”; “To wish to relive childhood”; “To have a mini-elf or someone to control.” Yet–epic fail–in the very same passage, the site places a photo of a father and son, side by side, ça va sans dire, African-American, playing and looking like they’re having fun. Definitely not an image that conveys frustration or a sense of control, nor is it helpful in discouraging young people from starting a family.
Beyond this blunder of the “wokeists” of Portland, the anthropological conception remains clear in the background. Will those who hate the “white man”, especially the white male, be credible when they say they love “blacks” and women? We are far beyond social Darwinism, eugenics, and the strong/weak dialectic. There is nothing “inclusive” about this ideology as it would have you believe. On the other hand, it is blatantly nihilistic: it is the last-stage nihilism of those who consider human existence so insulting that they do not recommend it to anyone.
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