Star Wars: The Progressive Empire Strikes Back! by Cedric Lenners February 26, 2021 0 728 Regardless of the different opinions on the appropriateness or inappropriateness of these comparisons, there is no justification for a dismissal ...
A Kafkaesque Model of Schools – Orwell, Huxley, Kafka by Vladimir Dimitrijević September 23, 2020 0 1.1k Kafka who, before his demise, told a young Czech author Gustav Janouch: “Soon we will need a permission to go ...
Ideology vs. Reality: How Will the Battle for the Future of James Younger End? by Pavel Parfentiev August 26, 2020 0 1.5k A married couple have a child—a boy. Several years pass, and the couple divorces. Suddenly, the boy's mother decides that ...
A Glimpse at TV Guide is a Deep Look at Our Culture by Joseph Grabowski June 18, 2020 0 972 For anyone who has missed the memo, the month of June is "Pride Month." Of course, in 2020, the phrase ...