IOF’s statement to the 2021 Commission on the Status of Women by E. Douglas Clark March 15, 2021 0 496 IOF has provided the following statement, co-signed by organizations around the world, to UN missions in New York in advance ...
Amazon taking pre-orders on book chronicling the reproductive journey and legal battle of a… “throuple” by Damian Goddard March 8, 2021 0 718 Weeks after cancelling best-selling book critical of the transgender movement, Amazon proves once again that the LGBT cause is accelerating ...
Region in Southwestern Ontario calls psychologically damaging Covid-19 child isolation policy a “mistake” by Damian Goddard March 1, 2021 0 463 Health experts called restrictions aimed at children "cruel punishment", "highly likely to cause psychological harm", and "not based on science".
As Portugal legalizes euthanasia, strong condemnation by Portuguese bishops by Johann R. Porter February 10, 2021 0 204 Portugal would be the fourth EU country to allow active killing. Portuguese bishops strongly condemned parliamentary decision, hope rests on ...
Will free speech again be oppressed in Serbia? by Jugoslav Kiprijanović February 10, 2021 0 615 Report from the court hearing of Dr Vladimir Dimitrijević at the Higher Court in Belgrade, under the charges filed by ...
How transgender “Glitter Moms” are trolling the internet and ruining children’s lives by Frank Schubert February 5, 2021 0 4.5k Parents all over the world are losing emotional and physical custody to "glitter moms" who claim to know what's best ...
Warning signs point to a global rise in food inflation by Damian Goddard February 4, 2021 0 520 Food price increases in 2021 to hit poorer, import-reliant countries hard, and also strain North American families.
In Victoria, a law against freedom by Marco Respinti January 28, 2021 0 610 Ban on "reparative therapies": under the guise of stopping abuses, abuse of another kind is codified.
Life Worth Fighting For by Nicole King January 22, 2021 0 370 This week is, by almost any measure, a tough one for pro-lifers. Friday, January 22, marks the 48th anniversary of Roe v. ...
Girl Scouts suing Boy Scouts alleging “recruitment confusion” by Damian Goddard January 4, 2021 0 782 The Girl Scouts call the re-branding “damaging.”