I do want to hear the fetal heartbeat!

Abortionists don't want parents to hear the baby's beating heart. They have jumped up like hyenas. And there is a reason for that.

In early January, the first stone was laid in Spain for a fetal heartbeat law, as was done in Texas.

The autonomous government of Castilla-León approved a package of measures to support pregnant women, which will oblige doctors to offer three options to pregnant women who request an abortion: the possibility of listening to the fetal heartbeat, the possibility for the parents to have a 4D ultrasound scan and support for psychological care.

Notice that it is about OFFERING to listen to the heartbeat and ultrasound; hearing the heartbeat is not mandatory, it is not made compulsory by law, it is merely offered, and yet, the commotion that has arisen around the issue, the fury of abortionists, the media harassment, the political lynching etc., highlights one thing: that the fetal heartbeat is of critical importance. That, without realizing it, we have touched a fundamental key. Abortionists don’t want parents to hear the baby’s beating heart. They have jumped up like hyenas. And there is a reason for that.

So what is the conclusion? In any case, we must talk about the fetal heartbeat, we must demand that it be offered, we must ask politicians to promote these measures, we must talk about the baby’s heart.

It is the key to reopening the abortion debate, to putting it back on the agenda and to confronting those who seek destruction and death and place abortion at the top of their agenda.

Let’s not get tired of talking about it, let’s make politicians listen to that heartbeat, let’s fund radio ads or ultrasound ambulances in front of abortion clinics, let’s post on social networks, write articles or share what we read.

We have found the key to success, it’s time. Let’s not waste this opportunity. We can all do something in each of our countries and regions. There is a crack in the wall.

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