Рекордно ниска стопа плодности у САД, све више одраслих вероватно неће имати децу
Суд у Охају потврдио да закон о забрани промене пола малолетника може да ступи на снагу
Наступ дрег краљица за децу од 3 године у Мадриду
Врховни суд Тексаса потврдио закон којим се малолетницима забрањује промена пола
Creator: Tony Webster 
Credit: Tony Webster
Copyright: Tony Webster
Гувернер Вирџиније ставио вето закона који „мајку” мења синтагмом „особе које рађају”
Ichabod assumed (based on copyright claims).
Тренер атлетике отпуштен због противљења трансродној идеологији
Emmanuele Di Leo

Emmanuele Di Leo

Emmanuele Di Leo, born in Rome in 1979, is founder and president of the humanitarian organization, Steadfast active in the field of cooperation in Nigeria, Togo, Mexico, Europe and Italy.  A cooperator in Nigeria since 2012, he is committed to human rights advocacy and countering human exploitation. Senior Advisor, he oversaw the Institutional Development of the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum in Rome for fourteen years. Since 2012 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the International Bioresearch Institute, an educational and university biomedical research institution in Nigeria. In 2014 he created a study group to analyze the exploitation of women in Nigeria, which, in collaboration with the International Bioresearch Institute, researched sexual exploitation from Nigeria to Western countries.  Since 2019, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Enugu Metropolitan Polytechnic (Nigeria). A founding member of the Family Day Association, he was one of the promoters of the 2015 and 2016 Italian Family Days.

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