Last updated on septembre 29th, 2020 at 09:50
[A new petition thanking Governor Little of Idaho for his decisive action has been launched on iFamNews and can be signed here. – Ed.]
Governor Brad Little of Idaho passed into law yesterday two bills safeguarding biological truth in Idaho against radical gender ideology. The two bills are HB 500 (the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act”) and HB 509 (the “Idaho Vital Statistics Act”). The first prohibits so-called “transgender girls” (i.e. biological boys) from invading (and dominating) girls’ sports competitions; the second prohibits altering the “sex” on an individual’s “birth certificate” to reflect the “gender identity” of that person rather than his or her biological sex.

Reaction to the Governor’s actions was swift and fierce on social media, with groups like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the ACLU of Idaho condemning the new laws, against which both groups had lobbied heavily:
One user on Twitter even posted a threat on social media (which as of this writing has not been taken down, despite being reported to Twitter for review by multiple users); the post shows a picture of an assault rifle over a transgender flag and calls on people “to make the state of Idaho and Brad Little especially suffer” for the enactment of the two laws.
Many commentators pointed out that the enactment of the two laws came on what LGBT activists have dubbed “Trans Day of Visibility,” which is held each year on March 31 (though perhaps April 1st, “April Fools Day,” might have been a more appropriate date to select for such a commemoration). These critics claim that the two Idaho laws represent only two more instances of the “erasure” of transgendered persons in society.
Those who support the bill, however, argue that it is really gender ideology that enacts “erasure” in society, of the biological differences between the sexes and of the uniqueness especially of girls and women. They’d point, for example, to absurdities urged by trans activists like avoiding the term “girl” or “woman” and substituting it with “a person with a vulva.”
They might also point to the “erasure” of the provisions set forth in Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, which seek to ensure girls and women equal access to opportunities like sporting leagues and athletic scholarships, for example. These very protections are practically eradicated by forcing girls and women to compete unfairly against biological males with innate advantages of strength, stamina, or stature in certain competitions.
It is inevitable that these laws will be challenged through litigation, given the powerful special interests involved and the well-funded LGBT lobby which is already mobilizing to see the laws overturned. It is important for the people of Idaho and indeed for all Americans that when the time comes, the Idaho government provide a strong and compelling defense of these acts in court.
As LGBT extremists organize to shame, punish and boycott businesses in the sate of Idaho — their standard response to any action a state takes that is contrary to their radical agenda — it is imperative that people of common sense push back in force to show their support for this legislation. Readers are urged to sign this petition thanking the Governor for protecting biological truth and the interests of girls and women in Idaho, and encouraging him to ensure a proper defense of the laws if and when litigation arises.
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