I was working on Twitter last Friday promoting the Dump Disney petition that IOF is co-sponsoring when suddenly I heard from someone who is apparently trolling me – former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann. The radical leftist was none too pleased with my work:

Later as the exchange went viral, I “thanked” Olbermann for bringing attention to our Dump Disney petition:

As evidenced by Keith Olbermann’s twitter-rant, the political Left is losing its collective mind over the success we are having in organizing people around the world to push back against Disney’s woke embrace of the radical homosexual agenda.
As I write this to you, over 28,000 people have promised to boycott all Disney products and services – everything from refusing to visit their theme parks, to stop watching their television programs and movies, to not booking their cruises, to boycotting their travel services, and to not attending special performances including concerts, ice shows and other events.
To say that this effort is having an impact on Disney is an understatement. They’ve lost billions in market value and just yesterday announced another layoff of thousands of employees.
Let’s keep the pressure on them and hit 50,000 signers of the Dump Disney Petition!

After you sign the petition, there are a couple of quick additional things you can do to help push back against Disney ( and drive Keith Olbermann nuts! ) :
1. Use the buttons on the left side of the article to share it broadly on social media and via text.
2. Please make a generous tax-deductible donation to support our efforts to Dump Disney and otherwise stand up for the natural family and family values.
Brian S. Brown, Founder and Editor-in-Chief
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