Warning: the article contains explicit descriptions of genital mutilation and urinary incontinence.
IFamNews editorial
In a recent piece for Lifesitenews, Jonathon Van Maren wrote that stunning new data collected through polls suggest that rates of teens identifying as transgender continue to skyrocket, and that we are only beginning to get a clearer picture of what it means when teens and children opt for a path that involves a lifetime of dependence on medications in order to “transition”, i.e. change their biological sex–or, as trans activists now call it, to undergo “gender affirmation”.
Note this very important language nuance–people used to talk about changing one’s sex, but now we are supposed to believe that individuals have to undergo radical and often irreversible medical procedures in which healthy body parts are removed, and then take hormones for the rest of their lives so that their outward appearance would conform to their “inner sense of gender”, which helps them “confirm” their new identity. This dependence on medications is a very convenient circumstance for the pharmaceutical industry, and as one detransitioner told Matt Walsh in a recent documentary, each child embarking on the path of sex change makes up to $1.3 million for the pharmaceutical industry.

However, the deception of “gender affirmation” is increasingly being exposed precisely by those who have become its victims. Recently, a young man (who goes by TullipR on Twitter) posted his testimony on Twitter. The story was also retweeted by the author of the best selling Harry Potter books, J. K. Rowling, and we bring it here verbatim.
I want to tell everyone what they took from us, what irreversible really means, and what that reality looks like for us. No one told me any of what I’m going to tell you now.
I have no sensation in my crotch region at all. You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn’t know. The entire area is numb, like it’s shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, even 4 years on. I tore a sutra 4 days post recovery, they promised to address it, i begged them in emails to fix it, they scorned me instead. Years later, I have what looks like a chunk of missing flesh next to my neo-vagina, it literally looks like someone hacked at me. They still wont fix it.
No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, it can’t be removed – meaning you’re left with a literal stump inside that twitches. When you take Testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood, without the tree. I wish this was a joke. And if you do take testosterone after being post op, you run the risk of internal hair in the neo-vagina. Imagine dealing with internal hair growth after everything? What a choice… be healthy on Testosterone and a freak, or remain a sexless eunuch.
And thats something that will never come back and one of the reason why i got surgery. My sex drive died about 6 months on HRT and at the time I was glad to be rid of it, but now 10 years later, Im realising what im missing out on and what I won’t get back. Because even if i had a sex drive, my neo vagina is so narrow and small, i wouldn’t even be able to have sex if i wanted too. And when I do use a small dilator, I have random pockets of sensation that only seem to pick up pain, rather than pleasure.
Any pleasure I do get comes from the Prostate that was moved forward and wrapped in glands from the penis, meaning anal sex isnt possible and can risk further damage. Then theres the dreams. I dream often, that I have both sets of genitals, in the dream I’m distressed I have both, why both I think? I tell myself to wake up because I know its just a dream. And I awaken into a living nightmare.
In those moments of amnesia as I would wake, I would reach down to my crotch area expecting something that was there for 3 decades, and it’s not. My heart skips a beat, every single damn time. Then theres the act of going to the toilet. It takes me about 10 minutes to empty my bladder, it’s extremely slow, painful and because it dribbles no matter how much i relax, it will then just go all over that entire area, leaving me soaken. So after cleaning myself up, I will find moments later that my underwear is wet – no matter how much I wiped, it slowly drips out for the best part of an hour. I never knew at 35 I ran the risk like smelling like piss everywhere I went.
Now i get to the point where im detransitioned and the realisation that this is permanent is catching up with me. During transition, I was obsessive and deeply unwell, I cannot believe they were allowed to do this to me, even after all the red flags. I wasn’t even asked if I wanted to freeze sperm or want kids. In my obsessive, deeply unwell state they just nodded along and didnt tell me the realities, what life would be like. And finally, theres dilation, which is like some sort of demonic ceremony where you impale yourself[1] for 20 agonising minutes to remind you of your own stupidity. This isn’t even the half of it. And this isn’t regret either, this is grief and anger. F**k everyone who let this happen.
As Van Maren says, as you read this, keep in mind that literally thousands of children are going through these procedures in the USA as we speak: “Thousands of children are embarking on this path without knowing any of this. Thousands of children are opting for physical destruction while being promised happiness. Thousands of children are choosing a future entirely devoid of both sexual pleasure and the possibility of having children before they are even capable of comprehending what they are giving up.”
Since this is a totalitarian ideology we’re dealing with, parents are being blackmailed into supporting whatever LGBT activists say their children need because they’ve been told their children would commit suicide if they don’t get puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries. Ideologues are instructing kids how to talk to their parents and what to say, e.g. to threaten that they would take their own lives. And then school staff, doctors, and other gender “experts” say, “It’s better to have a live son than a dead daughter.”
The conclusion of a new report by the Heritage Foundation titled Puberty Blockers, Cross-Sex Hormones and Youth Suicide, authored by Jay Green, confirm that all this is a lie:
Lowering legal barriers to make it easier for minors to undergo cross-sex medical interventions without parental consent does not reduce suicide rates—in fact, it likely leads to higher rates of suicide among young people in states that adopt these changes. States should instead adopt parental bills of rights that affirm the fact that parents have primary responsibility for their children’s education and health, and that require school officials and health professionals to receive permission from parents before administering health services, including medication and “gender-affirming” counseling, to children under 18. States should also tighten the criteria for receiving cross-sex treatments, including raising the minimum eligibility age.
Sadly, there are more and more children in the world who, under the influence of the ideology that has entered all the pores of society, begin to think that the cause of their adolescent problems is that they are “trapped in the wrong body”. Deceived by lightly given promises that medical transition would solve all their problems, children and teens opt for often irreversible procedures, just like TullipR.
As Jonathon Van Maren concludes, we are likely to see two things happen in the future. First, increased rates of suicide and suicidal thoughts of young people identifying as transgender, not because they did not have access to sex change treatments, but precisely because they did. And second, trans activists, who will never admit that they are destroying new generations, will blame it all on those who opposed their movement in the first place, thus creating a vicious circle.
That is why it is extremely important that more and more brave detransitioners come forward and make their confessions public, and we must support them in this and share their stories. Together we can bring down the tower of lies erected by transgender activists and LGBT radicals, and protect children and teens, their future, reproductive health and their future family happiness.
[1] Dilation is a process that men who have transitioned to the female sex have to do quite often so that their “neo-vagina” (new vagina) does not close, since it was surgically made.
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