This kind of appropriation–or rather ABDUCTION–of everything that is female and is integral to female nature is unprecedented since the dawn of time. Transgender people have not only been given a free pass to enter female spaces and assault women (in locker rooms, prisons, toilets …) and they not only want to take away women’s jobs and opportunities (because “transwomen” can be used to fill up “pink quotas” for the participation of women in public life), but they are already winning sports medals in female sports and even inherently female titles, such as those of the most beautiful woman, the homecoming queen and the woman of the year. And now they’re set to appropriate even the thing that women themselves consider either a discomfort or the worst side of female physiology–MENSTRUAL CRAMPS.
Is there an end to this insanity?
Here’s what it’s all about. At the end of March, a person who describes himself as a “transwoman” (meaning that he is a biological man who thinks he is a woman) published the following post on his Twitter account:

Ladies and gentlemen (let’s use those words while we still can), there you have it, the advanced, high-tech, civilized 21st century that we live in: a biological man who doesn’t have a uterus claims to be experiencing menstrual cramps.
The tweet has been liked 91,300 times.
Fortunately, not everyone has completely lost their minds, and many Twitter users have served this person a lecture in elementary school biology.
As we all know (except those who pretend not to, and believe in “subjective truth”), menstruation is something that only women can have, given that only women have a uterus. (Is it possible that we have to talk about this in the 21st century? And we thought that we would be colonizing Mars by now…)
Menstruation is a result of female hormones, which make the woman’s body go through the same process every month (a process that is cyclical and is therefore called the menstrual cycle): estrogen triggers the growth or thickening of the endometrial lining in the uterus. After ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), the female body produces another hormone, progesterone, which maintains the uterine lining and prepares it for embryo implantation, if conception occurs. If it does not occur, the level of progesterone drops, the uterine lining sheds and is then flushed out as menstrual bleeding. Because the uterus is a muscular organ, it contracts during menstruation to facilitate the expulsion of the lining, hence women often feel mild cramps.
However, menstrual cramps can also be very severe and painful, and this is most often a sign of an underlying condition, such as endometriosis, which is known (or rather notorious) for causing severe pain. If you’re experiencing severe menstrual pain that is preventing you from performing your everyday activities, make it a priority to see your doctor promptly.
The cramps that this transgender person felt cannot possibly be caused by menstruation; rather, they are a consequence of high doses of female hormones that this man is taking in order to maintain the illusion of womanhood. That is NOT menstrual cramping.
As one Twitter user noticed and replied: “From shedding the lining from the uterus you don’t have?”
Another user commented: “What you are describing is pain of IBS, it’s not a period pain, you would really freak out if you started passing blood clots. You have no idea about the reality of menstruating.”
By the way, the Twitter name of the transperson in question is DEEmon spawn of Satan. Because everyone knows that choosing such a nickname is the best way to fight for “trans rights”, gain general public support, understanding and compassion, and show that LGBT people are “the same as everyone else” and “just want to be accepted”…
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