We must boldly speak the truth to bring down the radical LBGT regime of lies

The list of lies that the radical LGBT ideologues are trying to get rational people to swallow goes on and on.

Rainbow flag of the LGBT community on the building on street Amsterdam. . Love, freedom, equality of rights concepts.

Last updated on January 13th, 2022 at 01:27 pm

The majority of people in America, indeed in the world, are rational. Indeed, one of the most important aspects of being a human is that we have the ability to reason—that is, to discern what is true and good and what is not. This ability to reason is why the majority of people do not believe the lies being spouted by radical LGBT activists. Lies such as a biological man can become a woman if he “identifies” as one and vice versa. That “men” can become pregnant and breastfeed. That the term “woman” is exclusionary and thus females are to instead be called “people who menstruate.” That sex is merely “assigned at birth” rather than being an objective fact. That the interests of adults take precedence over the well-being of children and thus it is totally permissible to forcefully deprive a child of its mother by placing him in a household of two “fathers.” The list of lies that the radical LGBT ideologues are trying to get rational people to swallow goes on and on.

There is one problem, though. Despite the majority of people using their reason to see through these lies, most are afraid to publicly speak the truth. Why? Because if they do, they know that the LGBT lynch mob will come after them. The mob will try to cancel them on social media, will dox them, and will contact their bosses to try to get them fired. The mob will spread fliers across their neighborhoods attacking them as bigots. The mob will start a boycott of the company they own or work for.

No one, no matter how powerful or well-known, or how leftist they are on other issues, will escape the wrath of the LGBT mob if they dare to speak the truth. Even powerful feminists J.K. Rowling, the beloved author of the Harry Potter novels, and Martina Navratalova, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, were viciously attacked by the mob for daring to defend the concept of womanhood.

As famous Czech-dissident (and later Czech President) Vaclav Havel wrote, even one person continually speaking the truth will be enough to bring down a system based on lies and intimidation. That is why totalitarian ideologies, such as Soviet communism, put so much effort into silencing anyone standing up for the truth. This is also why LGBT ideologues are trying to silence anyone who opposes their regime of lies.

But courageous people like Havel, Lech Walesa of Poland, Alexander Solzhenitsin of Russia, Victor Orban of Hungary, and many others living under communism refused to live the lie and boldly spoke the truth, often at great cost to themselves. People who spoke the truth under communist governments lost jobs, were placed in psychiatric hospitals, were arrested, were beaten, were sent to the gulag, were exiled. But they still continued to speak the truth. And in the end, they did what was thought impossible: they brought down a totalitarian system that had enslaved hundreds of millions of people.

It is high time for today’s silent majority to boldly follow the path of Havel and the other communist dissidents. It is time for us to stand up for the truth at school board meetings, at our jobs, when voting for political candidates, in letters to the editor, and anywhere else where the light of truth is needed to dispel the darkness of falsehood. And we must bravely face the mob as the dissidents did, knowing that the LGBT regime of lies, just like the communist regime of lies, is a house of cards ready to fall. “Fortune favors the bold,” the ancient Romans said. So let’s get bold and shout the truth from the rooftops. If we stay strong, victory will be within our grasp.

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