Time for social conservatives to sever ties with Big Business

Is Big Business serving the Marxist agenda? It would seem so.

For many years, a coalition existed on the political right in America composed of social conservatives and Big Business. While not agreeing on all issues, the two groups generally supported limited government, low taxation, strong families, and traditional values. When corporate tax increases or onerous business regulations were on the table, Big Business appealed to its social conservative allies for support to defeat the measures. Social conservatives generally supported Big Business because increased costs for businesses were passed on to families through job losses and higher costs of goods. When issues affecting the family and traditional morality were on the table, social conservatives appealed to its allies in Big Business for support. Big business generally supported social conservatives because strong families and traditional morality made for better workers and more stable communities. 

But during the past few years Big Business has not been holding up its end of the bargain. While it still appeals to social conservatives for support of pro-corporate measures, Big Business not only does not support social conservatives on issues that affect traditional families and morality but actively opposes them. When the Obergefell case (2015) regarding gay marriage was before the U.S. Supreme Court, a who’s who of Big Business submitted a legal brief supporting same-sex marriage. Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, Google, Morgan Stanley, Accenture, Amazon, Black Rock, Apple, AT&T, Johnson and Johnson, and hundreds of other members of Big Business came down on the side supporting legalizing gay marriage. Big business is likewise solidly behind the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, among whose goals are destroying the traditional family and pushing the radical LGBT agenda. Disney, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon, Unilever, Nabisco, Robinhood, Uber, and hundreds of other members of Big Business have openly given support to BLM. The Human Rights Campaign, one of the most radical organizations pushing the LGBT agenda, likewise has the solid backing of Big Business. Corporate giants Phizer, Accenture, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Nationwide, Apple, Coca Cola, Deloitte, Google, IBM, Intel, Mastercard, Nike, Pepsi, Citibank, and other members of Big Business are solid supporters of this group pushing, among other things, the misnamed federal “Equality” Act that would muzzle religious conservatives and enshrine in law the radical LGBT agenda. Big Business is also a staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood and the culture of death. Starbucks, Verizon, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, American Express, ExxonMobil, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Adobe, and others are all behind the leading abortion provider in the country. And the list of members of Big Business supporting anti-family and anti-traditional morality causes and organizations goes on and on.

It is high time for social conservatives to sever their alliance with Big Business. While Big Business calls upon social conservatives to support pro-corporate laws and policies, it actively opposes social conservatives on almost every issue of importance to them. It is time for social conservatives to throw their support to the common working man and woman who supports the traditional family and traditional morality and opposes the radical LGBT and abortion agenda. Social conservatives need to be the friend of Joe Six-Pack rather than Daddy Warbucks.

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