The “unfriendly” skies of United Airlines

United airlines puts politics ahead of customer safety.

Last updated on April 15th, 2021 at 11:23 am

When a person travels by plane, they have one overriding concern—that their pilots are competent to fly their plane and will get them safely to their destination. The skin color or sex of the pilots are absolutely irrelevant; competence is the only thing that matters. And in the past, airlines did their utmost to ensure that they had the best pilots flying their planes. But no more. United Airlines has announced it will now be establishing quotas for pilot school admissions. That means flying qualifications will now take a back seat to race, ethnicity, and sex when it comes to looking for the best pilot training recruits.

Qualities that have no bearing on pilot competence will now play a role in admissions to its training school.

If United had said that it wanted to emphasize accepting white males into its training program, one can imagine the storm that would have erupted. Elites in the media, Hollywood, professional sports, big tech, and academia would have called for the resignation of United’s CEO and for a boycott of the airline. There would have been cries for the U.S. Department of Justice to undertake a civil rights investigation of United. But none of this happened to United Airlines with its open call for discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and sex. And why not? Because United was paying homage to the sacrosanct gods of the woke elites—identity politics and political correctness.

So the next time you fly United, be worried. Be very worried. While your pilots may have the preferred race or sex of the airline’s liberal elites, they may not be the most competent at flying your plane. The “friendly” skies are not so friendly any more.

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