Tucker Carlson: “Undermining Christianity is the central project of the left” by Cato May 12, 2022 0 649 Christianity has always stood as a bulwark against radical and totalitarian ideologies, and that's why the left hates it.
J.K. Rowling confirms what I wrote a year ago: “living in the truth” is the way to defeat wokeness by Cato April 29, 2022 0 826 Living in the truth is the only way to bring down evil empires. It was so with communism, and history ...
From Harry Potter to gender tyranny by Vladimir Dimitrijević January 15, 2022 0 3.2k How the lie took a step in seven mile boots
The virus of political correctness by Federico Cenci December 11, 2021 0 618 Luca Ricolfi, a sociologist and co-author of the "Manifesto of Free Thought", speaks out against an illness that has become ...
Minister for Human Rights wants to make citizens “happy” by Zoran Cvorovic March 25, 2021 0 802 Minister Čomić thinks that the goal of the state is to make its citizens happy or, more precisely, less unhappy, ...