Babies conceived with the help of a sperm-injecting robot by Luca Volontè December 4, 2023 0 827 Two babies were born in Spain, conceived by a robot that injects sperm controlled by the PlayStation 5 controller.
Spanish trans law eliminated about 500 legal differences between men and women by Luca Volontè March 7, 2023 0 788 Most conservative associations and think tanks, family associations, and feminists (of all political colors) are at war against this law ...
Spanish pro-lifers stand with SCOTUS by Barbara Santambrogio July 25, 2022 0 204 A huge pro-life rally took place in Madrid immediately after Dobbs pronouncement, to support the US Supreme Court overturning Roe ...
Abortion is easier in Spain if you are a minor by Luca Marcolivio June 6, 2022 0 232 The only positive note of the Sánchez government's bill: the tightening of penalties against "uterus for rent."
Spain: Jail for those who pray for Life? by Luca Marcolivio February 10, 2022 0 1.2k Penal Code reform sought by Socialists bans demonstrations in front of abortion clinics.