What is behind the genocide of Nigerian Christians by Emmanuele Di Leo June 13, 2022 0 593 Despite the empty phrases of the EU, the problem is a religious one. The solution is to discontinue economic support ...
Canada: National Defense group says religious persons not suitable for military chaplains by Barbara Santambrogio June 8, 2022 0 389 Recommendations for choosing military chaplains effectively exclude Christians, Muslims, Jews. Yes, really.
UK’s leading religious freedom lawyer: Christians are under attack by Manuela Antonacci June 5, 2022 0 252 A British lawyer confirms that the West denies its Christian roots. "The war against Christians," he says, "is very real ...
Stoned and burned in Nigeria for being Christian by iFamNews Italia May 16, 2022 0 452 She was a student and it all happened in the college where she was studying because she was accused of ...
European hypocrisy on religious freedom by Barbara Santambrogio May 7, 2022 0 455 Resolution on persecution of religious minorities passed by European Parliament today sponsors abortion and LGBT+ ideology.
Finland: Päivi Räsänen is acquitted by Luca Marcolivio April 1, 2022 0 3k The former minister was under indictment for "homophobia." For Helsinki prosecutor's office, it is not up to courts to "interpret ...
In Egypt religious persecution affects women and children by IFN English February 23, 2022 0 450 While the Western world seems to have increasingly reduced religion to a private matter, if not a folkloric pastime, in ...
France: new wave of attacks on churches by iFamNews Italia January 25, 2022 0 922 Interior Minister Darmanin announces fund for security of sacred buildings
The pandemic of persecuted Christians by Federico Cenci January 20, 2022 0 539 New report by "Open Doors": Afghanistan is the most anti-Christian country, and the pandemic has had a substantial impact on ...
Protestant pastor sentenced to death in Pakistan by Barbara Santambrogio January 18, 2022 0 1.2k Blasphemy charge, 10 years in jail and a verdict served for a persecuted Christian from Lahore