90-year-old volunteer dismissed from National Multiple Sclerosis Society for inability to understand pronoun use by IFN English February 16, 2024 0 373 Fran Itkoff, a 90-year-old woman who has been volunteering at the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society for 60 years, was ...
Mother criticizes Fairfax County Public Schools for defying Governor’s guidance on gender and pronouns by IFN English August 22, 2023 0 324 The Virginia Department of Education recently released model policies for public schools regarding the treatment of transgender students, which include ...
Michigan state House passes bill criminalizing use of wrong gender pronouns by IFN English June 30, 2023 0 616 The Michigan state House of Representatives has passed bill HB 4474, which would criminalize the act of causing someone to ...
Teacher’s urgent alert: Coerced to conceal students’ gender identity by IFN English May 3, 2023 0 372 Teacher exposes schools promoting manipulation and encouraging lies.
Scathing report in the UK: Children are at risk due to gender ideology by iFamNews Germany April 29, 2023 0 2.3k Gender-segregated toilets are being abolished and parents are left in the dark when students change their pronouns: Scathing report reveals ...
Are you a ‘she’ or a ‘he’? Subjective sex identity in Canada by Federico Cenci October 20, 2021 0 689 A restaurant owner refuses to use a “non-binary” pronoun when addressing an employee and is convicted by court.