Pregnancy in Poland–how to cope with difficult situations? by Katarzyna Zych February 26, 2022 0 515 The Confederation of Polish Women organized a conference that offers hope and concrete solutions to the difficulties pregnant women may ...
Leftist European Union sets sights on Texas by Cato October 10, 2021 0 367 One month after Texas' unequivocal stand for the sanctity of life, the EU passed a resolution condemning the "Heartbeat Bill" ...
Left-wing EU attacks pro-family local governments in Poland by Cato September 30, 2021 0 1.2k Let us hope that Poland remains strong in this battle and gives encouragement to other governments to take a stand ...
German court convicts Polish author and German publisher of paper exposing crimes of homosexual lobby in the Church by Cato July 29, 2021 0 2.9k Not only does it show that the courts are valuing abusers over victims, it shows the courts are in cahoots ...
Poland opens dynamic new conservative university dedicated to freedom of thought by Cato July 16, 2021 0 1k Partnering with some of the world's top scholars and conservative organizations, Poland's Collegium Intermarium is preparing a training ground to ...
Courageous coalition: Hungary, Poland, and two others stand for the family by E. Douglas Clark May 27, 2021 0 409 “Society without families would be like civilization without culture, or mathematics without numbers.”
Poland: Assaults on Churches After New Abortion Ruling by Federico Cenci October 30, 2020 0 1.4k Masses disturbed by feminists and blasphemous slogans after the Constitutional Court banned the termination of pregnancy in the event of ...
The Polish Constitutional Tribunal Ruled That Eugenic Abortion Was Unconstitutional by Eugene Rosenblum October 26, 2020 0 538 Some days ago, on October 22, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal considered a request to veryfy constitutionality of the norm of ...
“In Poland, the Real Persecuted are Christians, Not LGBT” by Federico Cenci October 8, 2020 0 869 Arrests, violence, threats. The Western press raises this alarm, about the alleged persecution of LGBT+ in Poland. The Italian newspaper ...
Poland Leads on Istanbul Convention by Luca Volontè July 27, 2020 0 692 The Polish Government's decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention could open a frank debate in Europe and a profound ...