The European Union is on the brink of extinction by Luca Volontè April 17, 2023 0 1.1k Europe is doing nothing to counter its own extinction, and all but Poland and Hungary are resigned–for now.
Poland: Opposition doesn’t want the elderly, disabled to vote for conservatives by Luca Volontè February 7, 2023 0 403 From voting on an election reform you can tell who loves democracy and who wants to return to Soviet-style communism.
Under attack by EU, Poland resists by Luca Volontè May 20, 2022 0 414 While Warsaw does its best to help Ukrainian refugees, Brussels resorts to blackmail to impose abortion. It seems like that's ...
‘ECHR’ backs Poland against transgender birth certificate by IFN English March 1, 2022 0 861 European Court of Human Rights supports Polish decision to maintain accuracy of citizens' birth certificates