Pro-life clubs censored in Latin America by Bethany Janzen October 12, 2022 0 1.3k Abortion isn't legal in all of Mexico, yet pro-lifers are shadow banned. This is why a small team of international ...
XIV World Congress of Families press release photos and Press Conference by IFN English October 10, 2022 0 566 Inauguration, press conference and summary of the first day of the World Congress of Families 2022 in Mexico City.
WCF: Cardinal Müller, Princess Gloria and Brian Brown, Jim Daly and Wilford W Andersen by IFN English October 8, 2022 0 552 Four speeches from the World Congress of Families: Cardinal Muller, Princess Gloria and Brian Brown, Jim Daly and Wilford W. ...
World Congress of Families breaks attendance records by IFN English October 7, 2022 0 2k Over nine thousand people attended the World Congress of Families 2022, which is indeed remarkable, breaking a record of previous ...
Video summary of the third day of activities at the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 5, 2022 0 259 The third and final day of the XIV World Congress of Families was held with extraordinary success in Mexico. Long ...
Video summary of the first day of the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 4, 2022 0 198 Relive and feel the first day of the World Congress of Families held in Mexico.