Russia: State Prize awarded to doctor experimenting on fetal tissues by Olga Kukhtenkova June 25, 2023 0 301 It is puzzling that researchers conducting work based on procedures that kill children and mutilate women receive support and encouragement ...
Bringing down the pillars of medical ethics: conscientious objection at gunpoint by Kristina Artukovic September 5, 2021 0 2.3k The announced revision of the International Code of Medical Ethics now aims to neutralize the conscientious objection of medical practitioners.
Transhumanism: Liberation from humanity? by Fr. Michael Baggot LC December 3, 2020 0 2k The Transgender movement reveals how modern technology and medicine reinforce a subjectivist deception of self-definition and alleged self-recreation
A Quiet Reversal That Needs Amplification: Prominent Psychiatric Journal Issues Correction to Study on “Gender Transition” Outcomes by Joseph Grabowski August 7, 2020 0 1.1k In the fall of 2019, the American Journal of Psychiatry published a paper with the laborious title, "Reduction in Mental ...
Doubleplus Unscientific: American Cancer Society Adopts Newspeak by Joseph Grabowski August 6, 2020 0 579 A friend sent me a link to a Tweet recently from CNN in a text message. Noting the source, I ...