Universal Periodic Review: an attempt to force Poland to implement ideological demands by Ordo Iuris December 3, 2022 0 503 The debate in Geneva highlighted attempts to force Poland to change its laws in such areas as access to abortion, ...
Strange World: Disney continues to tout LGBT agenda even though it fails at the box office by Cato November 25, 2022 0 1.2k It seems that the studio executives at Disney are more committed to trying to foist the LGBT agenda on our ...
46 diplomats, led by the United States Ambassador, criticize Poland for not succumbing to the radical LGBT agenda by Cato June 28, 2022 0 792 Thankfully, Poland has remained unmoved by this interference in its domestic politics and continues to bravely stand for the truth.
IOF signs petition opposing radical European Union sexual agenda by Cato June 22, 2021 0 736 Says IOF President Brian Brown, “The petition clearly opposes a radical definition of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’ that aims to ...
Time for social conservatives to sever ties with Big Business by Cato April 19, 2021 0 620 Is Big Business serving the Marxist agenda? It would seem so.