Living in truth as the only way to resist totalitarian ideologies by Marija Stajić June 23, 2023 0 869 We cannot and must not accept anything less than the truth of the world we live in. As Solzhenitsyn said, ...
Dangers threatening the Christian family in the 21st century by Marija Stajić November 30, 2022 0 5k Teach children that they don't have to change in order to adapt to others. If we agree that today's society ...
Infamous children’s gender clinic in UK ordered to shut down by Marija Stajić July 28, 2022 0 2.2k While we welcome the news of GIDS closing its doors at least for a while, what has just happened is ...
Keira Bell–redeeming our time by Marco Respinti July 25, 2021 0 2.3k The girl who wanted to be a boy and then regretted it is now suing the clinic. She became an ...
UK: Regret after sex change–an increasing number of cases by Federico Cenci July 17, 2021 0 2.6k Keira Bell is suing the Tavistock Clinic. Like her, a lot of other young people are "stuck between the two ...