Example of two Italian women: Successful professionals, wives, mothers by iFamNews Italia March 18, 2023 0 216 Two mothers, two female professionals who did not ask for permission or make use of pink quotas to assert their ...
Canadian PM Trudeau is liberal enough to make fun of biological women by Luca Volontè March 17, 2023 0 890 Trudeau confirmed what we knew all along, it's not about tolerance but about going "beyond 'tolerate' and start to embrace, ...
Catholic Churches in Latin America defaced by feminists on March 8 by Luca Volontè March 15, 2023 0 1.4k "In the name of respect and nonviolence, violence and insults are being inflicted on us. I think this is unacceptable ...
Another 8 March is upon us by Leonor Tamayo March 8, 2023 0 699 Once again, women are being used to justify ideologies with a certain tendency to undervalue them. And 8 March is ...
Biden to fund abortion in foreign countries with 2.6 billion dollar “gender equality” request by IFN English March 12, 2022 0 399 The Biden administration has requested 2.6 billion dollars to be allocated towards defending "gender equality" worldwide. “I’m proud that my ...
Honoring Woman and her feminine genius: celebrating International Women’s Day, March 8, 2021 by E. Douglas Clark March 4, 2021 0 367 Universal respect, protection, and care of women is arguably the biggest step towards world harmony.