More than fireworks on the Fourth: A call to cherish, protect, and preserve by E. Douglas Clark July 2, 2024 0 155 The Declaration is vital and immediate, and still calls us to pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
Celebrating the UDHR at 75: IOF’s joint statement to UN ambassadors on society’s irreplaceable foundation by E. Douglas Clark December 9, 2023 0 229 A nation's foremost responsibility is to protect, strengthen, and treasure the family.
IOF defends religious liberty in the United Nations by E. Douglas Clark January 16, 2023 0 1.1k Freedom of religion is as significant for societies as it is for individuals.
As the UN General Assembly begins, IOF offers ambassadors a plan to protect the family by E. Douglas Clark September 22, 2022 0 256 Statement by the International Organization for the Family to the Permanent Representatives of all UN missions in New York.
British physician fired for not towing the transgender line preparing for March appeal by Luca Marcolivio February 16, 2022 0 1.4k It's been a four year battle for Dr. David Mackereth. And with his 2019 appeal to be heard in a ...
Finland: Prosecutors’ opening arguments in trial of two Christians say Bible contains “hate speech” by Damian Goddard January 31, 2022 0 916 Publicly proclaiming the Bible's stance on sex and marriage has Paivi Rasanen and Juhana Pohjola on trial. And human rights ...
Afghan Christians are of no interest to anyone by Federico Cenci October 27, 2021 0 646 MEP Carlo Fidanza is bringing to light the plight of Afghan Christians who are being forced to leave their homes ...
The decriminalization of abortion in Mexico – #SupremeInjustice by Álvaro Zulueta September 14, 2021 0 789 The nation's Supreme Court declares the protection of the right to life from conception in the Constitution of Sinaloa null ...
Italians against the Green Pass: 30,000 signatures in a few days by Federico Cenci August 29, 2021 0 1.5k Extraordinary success of an online petition in Italy: “Let's restore mutilated rights and freedoms.”
France, euthanasia and counter-civilization by Marco Respinti April 7, 2021 0 580 French author Michel Houellebecq says that "a civilization that legalizes euthanasia loses the right to any respect"