Trans ideology is unscientific by iFamNews Germany July 10, 2023 0 1.6k In a commentary, journalist and writer Julian Marius Plutz clarifies what is scientifically proven... and what is not.
Russia takes step to ban some transgender surgeries by iFamNews Germany June 30, 2023 0 387 Lawmakers based their decision on the existence of a "gender reassignment industry" in Russia that included dishonest doctors, psychologists, LGBT ...
Scathing report in the UK: Children are at risk due to gender ideology by iFamNews Germany April 29, 2023 0 2.3k Gender-segregated toilets are being abolished and parents are left in the dark when students change their pronouns: Scathing report reveals ...
Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘mental disorder’; sex reassignment ‘biologically impossible’ by iFamNews Germany April 23, 2023 0 25.5k "And so at Hopkins, we stopped doing gender reassignment surgery because producing a 'satisfied' but still troubled patient seemed like ...
Poland’s education minister: Rising child suicide is due to gender ideology by iFamNews Germany April 7, 2023 0 752 Czarnek stated, "It's necessary to protect family and marriage values and not attack them with Marxist and LGBT ideologies that ...
Biden calls bans on transgender treatment for children “almost sinful” by iFamNews Germany April 6, 2023 0 245 Biden: "What's going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, almost sinful. I mean, it's just horrible what ...
Cyndi Lauper: Child protection laws against trans ideology are like “Nazi Germany” by iFamNews Germany March 31, 2023 0 564 “Equality for everybody, or nobody’s really equal,” Lauper told ITK. “This is how Hitler started, just weeding everybody out.”
Giorgia Meloni warns: “Women are the first victims of gender ideology” by iFamNews Germany March 15, 2023 0 1.9k "We are witnessing a new wave of misogyny in which women are being erased and silenced in the name of ...
Scotland: After prison rape, trans prisoners housed according to their biological sex by iFamNews Germany March 8, 2023 0 1.3k The policy change follows public outrage after Isla Bryson, a transgender double rapist, was initially incarcerated in a women's prison.
Woman sues doctors for transgender treatment after removal of breasts and uterus by Johann R. Porter March 1, 2023 0 3.1k "I will live the rest of my life without breasts, with a deeper voice, a male-patterned bald head and without ...