$1.2 trillion spending package criticized for allocating funds to LGBT centers and late-term abortion clinic by IFN English March 24, 2024 0 0 A spend package of $1.2 trillion revealed in the early hours has drawn criticism for containing allocations for LGBT centers ...
Debunking the myth: Majority of Americans take a pro-life stance on abortion by IFN English October 4, 2023 0 427 The consistent polling data reveals that a significant majority of Americans advocate for a pro-life stance, desiring greater restrictions on ...
Michigan House passes “Michigan Hate Crime Act” by IFN English August 27, 2023 0 540 Michigan's crackdown on "hate speech" is more about policing thoughts than addressing actual crime.
Study shows significant increase in support for political violence among Democratic voters in the US by IFN English July 29, 2023 0 269 A recent study conducted by the University of Chicago has found that support for political violence has grown significantly among ...
USA: Democratic states obsessed with ‘inhuman tourism’ by Luca Volontè February 17, 2023 0 565 Oregon–a euthanasia tourism state; Minnesota–trans refuge state.
Demagogue Nancy Pelosi furious: Born-Alive Act pushed through by Republicans by iFamNews Germany January 21, 2023 0 579 Babies who survive abortion must receive medical care: Pelosi sees this as an attack on liberty.
Democrats’ Party Platform an Attack on Families by Frank Schubert August 20, 2020 0 1.3k The Democrat Party Convention is the unofficial launch of an unprecedented attack on the family, and family values.