New CDC director’s statement on abortion shows healthcare industries rejection of life by IFN English August 26, 2023 0 723 Dr. Mandy Cohen, the new director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recently shared her thoughts ...
CNN criticized for misleading report about new study on transgender top surgery by IFN English August 23, 2023 0 430 Commenting the CNN article, Dr. Sapir said that "this level of dishonesty in reporting is just stunning to behold."
Controversial plans to expand euthanasia to children in Canada, the Netherlands, and Australia by IFN English August 14, 2023 0 668 The fundamental principle of human equality is undermined when one group (medical professionals) is granted the power to end the ...
Planned Parenthood exposed as a hotspot for sex traffickers by IFN English August 8, 2023 0 441 Multiple studies have found that Planned Parenthood is a common clinical setting to which sex traffickers bring their victims. Survivors ...
Minnesota enacts law excluding infants from life-saving care by IFN English August 7, 2023 0 706 Minnesota has enacted a new pro-abortion law that excludes babies who survive abortions from being counted. The law, which went ...
Revisions to WMA code of medical ethics spark concerns over medical conscience rights by IFN English August 4, 2023 0 4k The World Medical Association (WMA) has recently updated its International Code of Medical Ethics, which serves as a guiding document ...
Dangerous abortion drugs sold through mail by Massachusetts nurse by IFN English July 28, 2023 0 192 Massachusetts nurse Lauren Jacobson has admitted to selling dangerous abortion drugs through the mail to pro-life states where killing unborn ...
Abortion and maternal mortality (Part 2) by Olga Kukhtenkova July 21, 2023 0 289 Truly, the abortion industry is destroying women.
Dignitas urges UK Parliament to legalize assisted death, while opponents advocate for improved palliative care by IFN English July 18, 2023 0 524 As the debate surrounding assisted suicide in the UK continues, Dignitas shamelessly pushes for legalization, having its own profit in ...
Controversy erupts as pro-life teen group barred from Michigan Cherry Festival parade by IFN English July 17, 2023 0 480 The incident highlights the ongoing debate over the inclusion of social and political groups in community events and raises questions ...