Crisis of the West is leading to a change and a new era by Paco Navarro May 26, 2023 0 767 From the Islamization of Europe will come the almost complete destruction of Western culture and its Christian roots, which no ...
EU silent on the worrying rise of anti-Christian acts, vandalism throughout Europe by Luca Volontè March 23, 2023 0 846 As Christianophobia rises in France and Europe, a group of intellectuals, associations, secularists and religious officials call for EU intervention.
New offense to Christians: Scandalous poster on Spanish bus stops by iFamNews Spain March 18, 2023 0 854 "It is intolerable that they appeal to freedom of expression to insult and vex Christians and offend our beliefs."
Catholic Churches in Latin America defaced by feminists on March 8 by Luca Volontè March 15, 2023 0 1.4k "In the name of respect and nonviolence, violence and insults are being inflicted on us. I think this is unacceptable ...
Charges filed against Spanish senator for attacking Christians and tearing down crosses by iFamNews Spain March 3, 2023 0 1.7k Attacks on Christian symbols continue in Spain.
More Catholic masses disrupted in Spain by iFamNews Spain December 4, 2022 0 224 Christian Lawyers: "this is a clear violation of the fundamental right to religious freedom of the faithful who were celebrating ...
Abe Shinzo and the “magic” mirror of religious freedom by Marco Respinti July 10, 2022 0 580 When the late former Japanese prime minister made an incredible gesture at the hands of Pope Francis.
Terror in Africa: 100 Christians killed in a month by Giacomo Bertoni February 11, 2021 0 288 In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Islamist terrorism is alive and well, and its goal is alarming.
In Nigeria, people continue to die for faith by Giacomo Bertoni February 4, 2021 0 361 The terrible daily life of Christians in Nigeria in the silence of Europe