Spanish Foundation calls for a halt to the demolition of religious monuments by iFamNews Spain February 23, 2023 0 332 "The only purpose of this catalog is to persecute and eliminate Christian symbols, violating the right to religious freedom enshrined ...
Christian Lawyers denounces pro-abortion nurse posing as gynecologist by iFamNews Spain February 5, 2023 0 920 The PSOE granted important subsidies to this nurse pretending to be a gynecologist, who is also on their lists.
Spain: Complaint against two officials over “chemsex” app by iFamNews Spain January 8, 2023 0 1.5k Encouraging minors to use drugs by a public administration may constitute a crime and may lead to the disqualification of ...
Spain: State subsidies for a film seeking 5 yro transgender children by iFamNews Spain December 30, 2022 0 1.2k "Promoting transsexuality in minors under the legally required age can be a crime and, therefore, cannot be subsidized."
Spanish Post Office to issue commemorative stamp of the Communist Party by iFamNews Spain December 15, 2022 0 1.6k "This is the exaltation of a political party that committed crimes and persecuted thousands of people solely because of their ...
Barcelona: Drag workshop for kids as young as 6 by iFamNews Spain December 4, 2022 0 2.3k The workshop wanted to induce children to "ask ourselves what body we would like to build for ourselves."
More Catholic masses disrupted in Spain by iFamNews Spain December 4, 2022 0 224 Christian Lawyers: "this is a clear violation of the fundamental right to religious freedom of the faithful who were celebrating ...
Cross protected in Spain by iFamNews Spain December 3, 2022 0 160 The lawyers' organization went to court as a matter of urgency when they saw that the demolition of the cross ...
Christian Lawyers accuses radio host of incitement to hatred, harassment, mockery of religion by iFamNews Spain November 2, 2022 0 1.2k The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers filed a lawsuit against Héctor de Miguel, better known as "Quequé" for encouraging the ...
Christian Lawyers sue abortion center for violating the law by iFamNews Spain September 27, 2022 0 1.7k "This is what the dirty business of abortion is like: it cheats women at the cost of getting rich," stresses ...