Thumbs up on the family front – weekly spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè May 1, 2021 0 5k Stalin the father of "cancel culture", Idaho, Arizona, and Oklahoma push pro-life directives, and Andrea Bocelli "does not believe in ...
Three Pro-Life bills signed into law in Montana by Damian Goddard April 27, 2021 0 370 Republican Governor Gianforte tweets "Life is precious"; thanks three women State Representatives who spearheaded the bill through the legislature.
Planned Parenthood backtracks on its founder by Nicole King April 27, 2021 0 1.4k This is an interesting and likely meaningless piece of virtue-signaling for Planned Parenthood.
Thumbs up on the family front – spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè April 22, 2021 0 345 Imprisoned Canadian against LGBT+ dictatorship, Americans cancelling "cancel culture", and even Irish feminists get it right on "hate speech".
Euthanasia: the truth emerges in France by Marco Respinti April 21, 2021 0 358 If we do not own our life, then we cannot dispose of it.
Time for social conservatives to sever ties with Big Business by Cato April 19, 2021 0 620 Is Big Business serving the Marxist agenda? It would seem so.
France, euthanasia and counter-civilization by Marco Respinti April 7, 2021 0 580 French author Michel Houellebecq says that "a civilization that legalizes euthanasia loses the right to any respect"
Bishop John Strickland–bringing Light and Leaven to the world by Cato April 7, 2021 0 324 In the battle against the forces opposing God and His Creation, we must hold fast to being a light shining ...
Roe v. Wade: A film about a court decision that has taken more than 60 million lives by Marija Stajić March 30, 2021 0 1.3k Roe v. Wade is an “untold story of how people lied, how the media lied, and how the courts were ...
The film “Roe V. Wade”: opening minds and changing hearts – Warning: graphic content by Álvaro Zulueta March 29, 2021 0 336 Grand premiere of Roe V. Wade movie. Don't miss it. In addition to enjoying a great movie, you will collaborate ...