Italy: National Institute of Health issues shocking LGBT guidance against women and children by iFamNews Italia September 27, 2023 0 433 The statement from the blog of Maria Rachele Ruiu, board member of Pro Vita & Famiglia
ECHR wants to impose approval of LGBT doctrine and privileges across the EU by Luca Volontè March 4, 2023 0 1.6k An unacceptable abuse of power and violence against a Christian state and people guilty of not wanting to conform to ...
Congratulations to Qatar for upholding its moral values during the World Cup! by Cedric Lenners November 28, 2022 0 1k They firmly stopped international LGTBI++ lobby propaganda. They had the courage to say NO to ideological colonization and to a ...
Scandal: UK’s Penny Mordaunt can define a woman by Marco Respinti July 19, 2022 0 846 Pro-abortion, pro-LGBT+, UK leading candidate to succeed Boris Johnson says a cat whose tail you cut off remains a cat. ...
Russian Foreign Ministry Protests Foreign Diplomats’ Taking Part in ‘LGBT’ Propaganda by Eugene Rosenblum July 30, 2020 0 592 This was prompted by several nations displaying rainbow flags on the buildings of their embassies.