Shock in the USA: horror experiments financed by Fauci

Fetal tissues excised from living children have been usfor transplantation into mice.

Anthony Fauci

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New shadows are gathering over Anthony Fauci.

The medical advisor to US President Joe Biden has played an instrumental role in research on aborted babies. The National Institute of Health (NIH), headed by the renowned virologist, received $27 million from U.S. taxpayers to conduct 80% of the fetal tissue trials. The majority of the funding in question (79.8%) comes from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)–headed by Fauci himself–which expects to spend $88 million on this type of research in 2022.

Projects include “humanizing” mice by “reconstituting them with human fetal liver cells” taken from babies aborted between 17 and 22 weeks of age. It was a study that received more than $20 million from the NIAID between 2014 and 2018.

Another study, funded by the National Eye Institute, targeted fetal eye cells; allegedly provided by Advanced Biosciences Resources, an institution with known ties to Planned Parenthood.

Frankenstein Rodents

Solicited by Fox News, neither the NIH nor the Department of Health and Human Services would comment on the news. Christine MacPherson, development manager of the White Coat Waste Project (a think tank which opposes animal testing) states, “The majority of Republican and Democratic taxpayers do not want to be forced to pay university white coats tens of millions of dollars each year to implant fingers, scalps, eyes and other organs from aborted human fetuses into monkeys and mice for nightmarish experiments.”

Defending its disturbing experiments (including implanting the scalp of aborted babies into rodents to test their immune systems) was the University of Pittsburgh which declared the research “fully compliant” with state and federal law. The research was funded by Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

The even more gruesome implication is that some of the aborted babies could potentially have been born alive. The Center for Medical Progress and other doctors, some of them abortionists, have suggested that the hearts of the babies sacrificed may still be beating at the time of experimentation. To show off the results of their studies, Pittsburgh researchers published monstrous images of clumps of human hair grown on rodents.

University of Pittsburgh in the eye of the storm

At a House of Representatives hearing last year, Fauci was asked about NIAID’s funding of the Pittsburgh mouse experiments and whether his institute was aware that the tissue came from aborted babies. At the time, the White House medical adviser responded that the study had been subjected to “all appropriate guidelines and oversight.” But that response does not satisfy Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden at all, who calls Fauci’s words “outrageous.”

Daleiden says the human fetal scalps used in the University of Pittsburgh experiments would only be obtainable through a “partial-birth” abortion, certainly not a “dismemberment” abortion, in which the baby’s skull is crushed.

In the meantime, state and federal politicians as well as prolife organizations have called for an investigation. The University of Pittsburgh has rejected all accusations, stating that neither the university nor its related partners perform abortions.

Inglorious eclipse of an overrated character

However in 2015, according to documents held by Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress, the university reportedly requested $3.2 million over a five-year period and received at least $2.7 million. The Center for Medical Progress claims to have evidence that the hearts of some aborted babies continue to beat when their kidneys are removed for the experiment. There would even be racial quotas in the university program for the organs of aborted and dismembered children.

It is a real gallery of horrors that throws further discredit onto Fauci who has been exalted by the liberal media for his stance on the pandemic. That said, the bipartisan dismay around the new revelations does show how powerful, articulate, and unscrupulous the abortion industry is. The chilling experiments mentioned reveal the absolute disproportion between their immense monstrosity and the negligible benefit that humanity would derive from them.

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