Today the periodical published by the Jesuit fathers La Civiltà Cattolica published an article in which Father Carlo Casalone – degree in Medicine, former Provincial of Italy of the Society of Jesus, today member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University – seems to propose unacceptable openings on the proposed law that aims to liberalize “assisted suicide”, aka euthanasia in Italy. This opinion is shared by about 60 civil society organizations, including International Family News.
It’s bad, very, very bad. Especially since the drafts of the Jesuit periodical are usually revised by the Vatican Secretariat of State.
What follows is the press release issued by the above-mentioned approximately 60 civil society organizations with the list of signatories, including International Family News.
“We cannot remain convinced by an article published today in La Civiltà Cattolica on the subject of assisted suicide norms. It is surprising, in fact, that an authoritative publication, from which one expects an echo of the Magisterium of the Church, risks positions that – albeit indirectly – may in fact give field to that “culture of waste”, from whose negative effects Pope Francis constantly calls out. This is because we seem to misunderstand the rules already passed and those under discussion. The article gives a positive reading of Act no. 219/2017, which instead allows death on the basis of an impermissible “now for then” and set the stage for the Constitution Court’s ruling on the “Cappato case” on suicide aid. Opens the text on the so-called “medically assisted voluntary death”, under discussion in the House, denying that it is a text euthanasia, when within it every single rule goes in that direction, including one that – even in the presence of the denial of the doctor and the Committee for clinical evaluation – establishes that the judge can still decide for death.
Nor should the impression be given of giving in to referendum blackmail, even before the Consulta expresses its opinion on the admissibility of the question. This stance, net of the articleist’s intentions, will certainly be valued by proponents of “state death.”
Laically, and in adherence to the anthropological datum, it is now necessary to reiterate that the protection of life and the support of those who suffer is a battle of reason and civilization, which should, therefore, concern everyone, and which certainly moves those who bear in their name the ideal of a Catholic civilization, hoping, therefore, the intensification of a dialogue with this certainly common purpose.
And if we ask everyone to reflect on whether it can be reasonable to discard life, we make a specific and urgent appeal to the institutions to support it in the most difficult moments through palliative care effective and widespread in the Italian territories and with 24-hour home care”.
Catholic Alliance, Ass. Friends of Lazarus, Ass. Cuore Azzurro, Ass. We are looking for your face,, Catholic Accountants Association, Ass. Christian Convergence, Ass. Building Together, Ass. Cultural Zammeru Masil, Ass. Defending Life with Mary, Ass. Esserci, Ass. Ethics & Democracy, Ass. FamilySI, Ass. Family Day- Let’s Defend Our Children, Ass. The Crossroads, Ass. The Tree, Ass. Liberi e Forti, Associazioni Medici Cattolici Italiani, Ass. New Generation, Ass. naz. Pier Giorgio Frassati, Ass. Grandparents 2.0, Ass. No touching the family, Ass. Cultural Project, Ass. Proposals for Rome, Ass. Pro Life & Family, Ass. Generation Family, Ass. Roots, Ass. Popular Network, Ass. Awakening, Ass. Humanitarian Padana, Ass. Vita Nuova – Italy Together Network, Ass. Vivere Salendo, Associazione volontariato Opera Baldo, Avvocatura In Missione, Associazione Nazionale Autonoma Professionisti (A.N.A.P.S.), Italian Center for the Promotion and Assistance for the Family, International Center John Paul II and for the Social Magisterium of the Church, Livatino Study Center, SALT Committee for Social Doctrine, Civilization of Love, Lazio Commissioner Academy of Health Art History, International Confederation of the Clergy,, De Gasperi Foundation, Fiorentino Sullo Foundation, Forum Culture Peace and Life Ets, Forum of Sociomedical Associations, International Family NewsLa Casa dei Diritti, Movimento Per: Politica, Etica, Responsabilità, Movimento Regina dell’amore, Observatorio di bioetica di Siena, Osservatorio parlamentare “Vera lex?”, Comitato scientifico Fondazione Fiorentino Sullo, Presidenza Comitato scientifico UCID, Presidenza honaria Società italiana di bioetica e comitati etici, Rete Liberi di educare, Steadfast, coordinamento Polis pro persona (
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